Legal framework and Filing and Publication Procedure

Bill 6 [French only] entrusts the Commissioner with designing and administering a new simple and efficient platform to replace the existing registry of lobbyists.

Accordingly, the Commissioner is also responsible for:

  • determining the provisions specifying the form and manner for filing returns and notices as well as the manner for keeping the future platform;
  • posting any draft provisions on the Commissioner’s website and allowing 45 days for receiving comments;
  • analyzing the comments and, if required and for any reason the Commissioner deems appropriate, conducting certain follow-ups;
  • publishing the provisions, with or without changes, in the Gazette officielle du Québec.

In May 2021, the Commissioner published a first draft of the terms and conditions [French only] and submitted it to the public for consultation. In light of the comments received, the Commissioner proposed, in June 2022, an update of these terms and conditions. The final version has been published in the Gazette officielle on September 28 2022, to come into force 15 days after, i.e. October 13 2022.

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